A Human Movement
Thursday, June 19, 2003
in the monotonous space... why are projects so important, that without them, one tends to sail adriftly without much of a direction, and then the word project -- to project -- to be a pro reject!!

and the day is here, how are you all/? what sort of spaces are you making for yourselves>>

have you ever wondered what the difference is between a blogger and just a plain website??? >>> what is the difference, I mean, why can't some fellow just own somefellow.com and just post his ruminations there >> what is a blog?? is it just the freedom --- i.e. this doesn't cost us anything to keep??

so the day space settles with quite a browning effect. what does it mean to "wish" for?? do you think "wishing" (as a project that we are as pro-re-jects) has more to do with planning and foreseeing or ignoring and forgetting???

in a wish, are we getting any closer to the thing wished for? or are we further drifting away from it ---???

i wonder...

back to the day space, it is quite brown.

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