...What does it mean to publicize the private? Look around this media capital and you see the race to publicize the most private; parties, movies, action, tits, politics, drug deals, connections, public relations, lawyers, book agents,;
But in focusia de musica: All digested music is originally private and then thereafter publicized.
In this way, "downloading," is a publicization of private creation and all too often an unsuccessful attempt too. The band that makes the music to be "downloadable" is a private enitity striving for publicity. Just like the show with its posters and amps.
What if something originally public was to become downloadable??? (that is impossible I think) You don't see pigeons making mP3's of their humping noises and putting them on the web. Pigeon noises are public to start and don't need publicization --- only a human would come along, privatize the experience by recording the noises and then attempt to re:publicize the sounds by making them downloadable.
Leading me back to my original idea. bands exist to be private. they exist to be that harmonious private/public mix which fuels the human sphere.
If everything was public you would see a lot less bands and a lot more open ended free form 'jamming' on the streets, with everyone perfectly in tune.
I'm game.