A Human Movement
Friday, June 13, 2003
The Public is Private and the Private is Public That is may main assertion, er, thing to think - it seems, as a rebuttal, nick. We see private music on display (as bands communicate musically at shows with posters and amps) and that alone is what becomes public as an act. Likewise (i think) public music is extremely private - i mean, who amongs us listens to the listening of others? only the wise? only the lonely? Public music has to be privatized, as it becomes what it is, in the brain of the private listener. Public music is the wind where you are not, or the car accident......

...What does it mean to publicize the private? Look around this media capital and you see the race to publicize the most private; parties, movies, action, tits, politics, drug deals, connections, public relations, lawyers, book agents,;

But in focusia de musica: All digested music is originally private and then thereafter publicized.

In this way, "downloading," is a publicization of private creation and all too often an unsuccessful attempt too. The band that makes the music to be "downloadable" is a private enitity striving for publicity. Just like the show with its posters and amps.

What if something originally public was to become downloadable??? (that is impossible I think) You don't see pigeons making mP3's of their humping noises and putting them on the web. Pigeon noises are public to start and don't need publicization --- only a human would come along, privatize the experience by recording the noises and then attempt to re:publicize the sounds by making them downloadable.

Leading me back to my original idea. bands exist to be private. they exist to be that harmonious private/public mix which fuels the human sphere.

If everything was public you would see a lot less bands and a lot more open ended free form 'jamming' on the streets, with everyone perfectly in tune.

I'm game.

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