A Human Movement
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Thomas, i have been into 'Melo since that time we ducked out of that protest to get some all-you-can-eat yummies. If I remember correctly, that day Syracuse beat Boston College in a non-descript Big East Conference basketball game while America beat up its other hopefuls outside in the cold and we ate more food than i can remember. He has some major game that Carmelo. He is one of the few hopes I have left for truth in life. And who knows? With Arenas at the point and Neni and KandiMan down low, he may show it to us sooner than we expect.

However, one should not discount Micheal Sweetney due to his size. You wouldn't knock Elton Brand because he is a 6-8 PF would you? Sweetney posted TWO 30-10 games against the 'Cuse last year and remember that team packed the lane with some strong, lanky motherfuckers, 'Melo by all means not the least of 'em.

Mark my words, Lampe in 2 years will be awesome. An Arenas (the 30th pick two years ago) for the 2003 draft.

Since Josh is off, I hereby proclaim this blog devoted to the only true HUMAN MOVEMENT that really counts: NBA BASKETBALL. Cassell and KG!? What's next?

On somnambulism, I really think you ought to have yourself documented in these states. And I think you should accept these episodes as normal as long as they are happening and encourage Ann to do so (cause someone's got to hold the camera). Rent "Altered States" with William Hurt and you will see a similarly frustrated intelligent twenty-something male explore fully the states of his altered conscious. I think the potential revelations you will have by documenting/analyzing/observing yourself on these videos (and whatever other kinds of documentary means- scribbling, photos, attempts at creating music in this state, etc.) will be invaluable to you. You may find what you have always been looking for, whatever that means to you. But really, these states are something to embrace and explore not deny or fear.

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