American corporatism continues to encroach on Third World cultures and its inexorable exploitation of the Third World's resources reaches a critical threshold, the concomitant development of an infrastructure in these struggling nations, while superficially the apparatus of oppression and exploitation, will provide a suitably revolutionary organism that will be infiltrated by whatever ideology that effects a revolution that will eventually reorient the global economic energies that maintain the present world order.
and then he goes on to say that this revolution could be in some part America's own making... well see here Victor Keegan of the Guardian because I think it relates to a possible way that Bush and his Corporate-Business-First attitudes might potentially backfire (ever so slowly of course) and potentially allow for what Scott is offering to manifest as some workable future reality - anyway, I just want to post some Non-Scott sources that are interesting to his argument on the fate of the Third World.
Much Love.