A Human Movement
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
After a night, and a morn - of thinking and setting - I realize that it is not the copies of man's form that we are to expect to banish from peaceful eye, but rather, those souls who believe in the need to render these copies before us.

Images of man are useless and only of impact to those who conditioning is towards certainty. And what else should we expect from this way of conditioned life?

Here is an interesting questionnaire I came accross this morning on the toilet,
An opinion poll of 162 18-24 year olds in Young Money magazine asking "What makes you crazy?" Here are the top three.

31% answered: Waiting in lines!
49% answered: Lost car/house keys!
47% answered: Someone insults you!

All of these actions are clearly acts where the person is assuming their mind as the defining definer of existence before them.
Waiting, losing, and insults are times when this certain definer is questioned. Leaving the person without the expected answers, which before had made things fine. Anger only occurs in those who believe in the certainty of their "rational."

It is interesting that the survey writers refer to these times are crazy. Does this mean that the person who never waits, has all things found, and is not insulted by words is crazy? That sounds to me like old-fashioned brain-washing. Let's admit it, frustration is good for the economy of a nation!! In fact , it might even be frustrations, (sexual, indentity, education, family) that is any economy at all!

Remember, however, that when I say pictures, or representations, I am not specifically talking about 8x10 glossies or framed 2-dimensional surfaces, but rather the very certainty that we are what we are.

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