I hear both Josh and Scott, And I, would like to sport my voice, in an effort to give the blog some movement -
Korzybski's The Role of Language in the Perceptual Processes
If you see the think, Korzybski writes how people often ignore the levels I and II (see diagram) and this leads to anger in infantile adults and problems of dualism for the more thoughtful, rational person.
Korzybski wrote in the 1920's-40's and might have invented the idea that
Self-made problems often turn out to be no problems.
...and his ideas of un-speakable levels of understanding are quite fascinating.... he is basically saying, if I am not mistaken, that "thinking" occurs in the physico-chemical sphere of happenings and not in the linguistic abstraction.... this has awesome implications for the world of identification that humans find so darling, i.e., people's ideas of their world.
Korbynski seems to have here in this text down-pact, solid, the idea that everything is part of everything else, and the inter-relatedness that is,
And towards the end there are some amazing, not-to-be missed, lines about feedback and circularity of human thought... truly delicious from a historical perspective.... check it out....
More or Korbynski later, I promise!!! I've touched what he has.