A Human Movement
Friday, March 25, 2005
Came to the marvelous realization today regarding what is good, for real and hopefully ever, that not all is; as I looked upon Joachim Wtewael's The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis 1610:

And then, as if to show me that a nail needs a hammer, I finally saw the purile shit in this, weakness manifest, and I felt fine. I was as interested to notice that it has taken 10 years or half a decade for me to get it, since I was 16 in 1994. Who has been lying to me? and I am crassness.

I believe *which is immediately a poor beginning, "I believe"* such 'forms' exist because of the first rung of population explosion, there's simply too many people on the planet. So much crap on the planet, got to take notice of the effects of this as cause. And to think that only yesterday, I had spent close to two hours writing about how I cared about what is in the empty square of non-knowledge...? 24 hours can bring the maximum of change (exclamation)

Also, as usual, the martini was not dry enough and the steak was not rare enough, but this petite syrah was superb.

Oooh, and also, I've been happily able to ignore much of my music collection for the sounds available here, but if you talk about it to me, I won't respond. You got to me make me proud first.
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