A Human Movement
Friday, March 18, 2005
I explored the building where I work today. It is a dead space, where things come to die, or at least the 3rd Floor is. Literally this is where information comes to die. The place where the materials nobody wants or uses come to fester in the empty dark. The promise of information unfulfilled, information discharged. There are patches of sun near the windows, but in the middle of the floor it is quite dark. I was alone on the floor, I think, the Ghostbusters only went to the main Humanities building, they did not make it here. I work on the second floor - which is only half dead.

The third floor is an empty floor, I haven't dared venture to the fourth. I will probably add writing to the tour, but right now there are just photos for all to wonder over. What is this space? Why is it there? An empty building in the center of the center of the world? At what cost? What does a person's work place say of them? What happens in empty places where no one goes? What kind of force is taken on by an object which has not been touched in years? What happened to the people who worked here? Am I dead? and most importantly, why doesn't everyone make photo-tours of their work place? Dig this stuff, for the deadness of it.
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