A Human Movement
Thursday, May 05, 2005
  The challenge of the future:
When someone asks me what I want to do; I might clam up, and respond in abstract generalizations - but this doesn't mean that I do not have precise ideas of every idea I wish to forumlate upon and underneath forthwith, like a shield bearing the coat of arms of what I want to do, and fight for. A knight behind this shield is no mere knight, to be guarded with the timeless energy of unconsciousness, no swords are needed. When lightning strikes a person it is conducted over the skin, on the sweat towards the ground,

Ok, I'm not going to do the coat of arms metaphor justice right now, because I must get this down, quickly, so as not to lose it. Here goes:

Intro: Learning is the supreme act of mind, awakening to possibilities. Learning is continually robbed by things known. Perhaps they are called, or known as answers, ideas, themes, words, or explanations. Real learning posits no such thing, instead it swiftly moves from the observed to the non-observed and back again around, it is imagination and reason simultaneous and it won't stand for lazy idea termination in one or the other. It shows how 100 things are 1 thing, and 1 thing is 100 things, or at least can be, and it does so through a rejection of the separation between sense and nonsense, when the mind is learning it rejects all "slumbering concepts" of knowledge at rest and the "verbal lids" of naming...

Secondly: How can we promote real learning (RL)? I probably spend way too much time pointing out the hindrances to RL, rather then standing up for what is right, and RL can be fostered. The fostering (of RL) would commence with the question: What is right? And the answer would always lay in the statement: The demolitioning of the idea of the savage experience! (I'll later post about the need to agree that there is no savage experience, that all knowledge is always one step away from non-knowledge and that non-knowledge is not savage, but actually shared between man as organisms, and also the way in which the foundation for the logic of the savage experience leads to the the psychology of murderous ignorance of contemporary times.)

How can we show a person the multitudinous space of existence? To not get bogged down in the petty strivings of position seeking and hierarchical recognition. Simply put, how can we work hand in hand with the horizon of human kind to let it see the relationships between all that can be thought, and has been thought and to make what has hitherto been weak, strong and further to destroy the battalions of sloth culture.

One way, I'll propose, is this:

Professionally: I believe in supporting new relationships between historical significance and then using those "new" relations to promote real learning. This is (probably) a hard step to take, seeing as though I am so young in a professional way. However, I want to stand up for idiosyncratic learning through the use of archives and primary sources.

I am processing the papers of dance scholar and art theorist, Selma Jeanne Cohen, and there is no doubt that much of the papers I touch are not purely related to Ms. Cohen; the question then becomes, how do we get these materials into the hands of people to promote a kind of learning, where it is understood that much of what occurs in a lifetime has nothing to do with that life per se, but more with an energy at large? That which you do, resonates historical outside of your identity, and in this way what happens is not strictly owned by individuals.... (errors here)

I found amongst the mess, in its simple beauty, (and brace yourself) a Commencement Program to the 1968-1969 Bennington College Graduation. This is a golden document of the development of the sensitive delicate, mind in American History. It lists the names of some people, and 1968-69 Bennington College was surely an entheogen enraptured time, these people listed surely created some mess that is the shadow of which we dwell(ed) in. (Again less about the history, more about the cross-knowledge promotion.)

In this document, the i>Commencement Program to the 1968-1969 Bennington College Graduation was listed an Andrea Dworkin de Bruin and further reading on that subject suggests to me that I am in the presence of an amazing document, a real electric time slide. The problem is, professionaly, how do I point out that this document exists where it does in the library. Really it has no importance to the life of Selma Jeanne Cohen? How can I point some other person in the direction of basking in this truth of this document? If I cannot then I fail to promote RL. It will simply go unnoticed, hiding in a folder in the library.

What do I want to do: 1) I want to change the structure of the understanding of man, and also 2) create new ways of archival description to promote the learning necessary to implement 1) new ways of knowing what is through 2) better ways to promote the cross-knowledge of historical document 1) explore unknown 2) with contact to historical documents 1) time-binding????....

Next steps: Read some more Alfred Korzybski and check out Encoded Archival Context

My name is this, this is what I want to do.
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