A Human Movement
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
  Note to self:
I really must stop forgetting that we are in a universe, or rather, a solar system, and that our planet is just one process in it, at a location, awash in the beyond-motion and therefor the always-alreadyness haze of sunshot gasses. Too often do I just assume that everything I know, see and act as is the universe that I ignore the big picture, that there is space outside of the effects of the sun. I see light, the sun makes it so. If I wanted to get outside of the effects of the sun, I'd have to practice being 90% hydrogen and 10% helium, with additional elements like metals present in trace amounts.

NASA: Voyager I enters solar system's final frontier
"Contrary to popular belief, space is not an empty void. Rather, the solar system is awash in solar wind, charged gases that flow off the sun at supersonic speed. The wind travels at an average speed ranging from 300 to 700 kilometers per second (700,000 to 1.5 million mph)."

For more good times about The Early Universe
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