What's a dick for?
I'm glad I wasn't
the only one who saw the phallic-ness in the symbolic repetition of the Washington Monument, as the two characters from the Wedding Crashers movie routinely crashed-landed with the giant dick symbol between their legs after a season of humping girls.

I'm going to pretend that this is a audio-blog for a second, and while the going is hot, all y'all should go ahead and download
Prick of the World a rare magazine track by the Sun City Girls...
because you fuckers need it like I do, as much as anyone does who goes on hiding the fact that all y'all enjoy being raped but won't fess up to it, cuz you been brainwashed by the collective imagination purported to be love that cares, and not love that wares away at your very right to be safe in your own genital make-up fake response, which you'd crush in an instant had there ever been a time when rubbing them on strangers wasn't exactly the point when you finally came into your own. Childbirth.