A Human Movement
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Steganography (or Data hiding) is the art and science of communicating in a way that hides the existence of communication itself.
Thomas, did you post that from home (07:13:58 PM)?

OpenOffice.org also has that AutoWord Completion feature -- though I suppose that is because it is based on Star Office. I have yet to really spend a lot of time with OOo, but I do plan on setting up a financial records spreadsheet this week (need to start keeping track of the ins and outs of $.

Mozilla 1.5 was released recently: by far the best browser for all platforms. Tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking (though you should be editing your Hosts file to keep out unwanted visitors), complete standards compliance, and a hell of a lot more. More reasons to switch?

One incredible feature called Bookmark Keywords allows you to set keywords for your bookmarks so you can just type goo in your browser to get http://www.google.com or dict to get http://www.dictionary.com. However, it also lets you extend that by adding variables into the address so that you can type goo american martyrs to search google for american martyrs or dict nebula to get the dictionary.com definition of nebula.
Monday, October 27, 2003
Autoword Completion...

Perhaps I am easily turned on, but let me tell you people about something pretty exciting. Get ready, ... It is the Autoword Completion function that I have in my recently downloaded and installed Star Office 7 Office Suite. Sounds simple right? Well let me tell you, it is a truly an invigurating tool - it learns words that one uses overtime so that once three letters are typed -- the program automatically fills in the rest for you, using your choice of "key"stroke. If a person was writing a paper on "Prognostication in the Symbolism of Appreciative Investigation," the program will learn the words so that the next time you write p-r-o, it guesses prognostication (think of the spelling saving efforts!) and fills it in as soon as one clicks their custom "key" stroke. The program will also remember these words, as they are added to a mini-list inside the program's memory - present everytime you come back to it.
Is this something that I could have done on Word? I don't know -- but I am doing it now. I immediately went into the Tools of the program and boosted the number of words I want the computer to remember from 500 to 2,000. I can't wait to see this list d-e-v "key" stroke e-l-o-p, over time. Fun times in the after hours I guess....
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Back in the spirit of living, here are some good times for the mister mind.

The story of a mammoth cannon

I am the first scout master that ever lived, heed the degree to which I am ultra!

Did you know that America invented Volleyball!!! That means we were playing volleyball first... i.e., Americans were the first to play volleyball, the first, not the second - Check out this timeline
Canadians were the second people to serve it up!!

A fraternal order next to a hardware store -- the way it was supposed to be!

History of Hardware
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
A grand shame about SAV's trip cancellation. I was definately looking forward to vandortime, perhaps studded with some sharb slabs of guitar.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So I'm moved in, yet far from the point of unpack'd.

But having space is IT.

How goes Henry, Thom?
Thursday, October 16, 2003
I hear both Josh and Scott, And I, would like to sport my voice, in an effort to give the blog some movement -

Korzybski's The Role of Language in the Perceptual Processes

If you see the think, Korzybski writes how people often ignore the levels I and II (see diagram) and this leads to anger in infantile adults and problems of dualism for the more thoughtful, rational person.

Korzybski wrote in the 1920's-40's and might have invented the idea that Self-made problems often turn out to be no problems.

...and his ideas of un-speakable levels of understanding are quite fascinating.... he is basically saying, if I am not mistaken, that "thinking" occurs in the physico-chemical sphere of happenings and not in the linguistic abstraction.... this has awesome implications for the world of identification that humans find so darling, i.e., people's ideas of their world.

Korbynski seems to have here in this text down-pact, solid, the idea that everything is part of everything else, and the inter-relatedness that is,

And towards the end there are some amazing, not-to-be missed, lines about feedback and circularity of human thought... truly delicious from a historical perspective.... check it out....

More or Korbynski later, I promise!!! I've touched what he has.

Got a quick tutorial today about the power of the MySQL/PHP relationship. I am extremely excited to begin creating a database driven section of our website at work (a dynamic News Release Archive that will be populatable/updatable by our press dept. so that I don't have to create a new page every time a news release comes out). I imagine that I will learn enough from a project like that to exploit MySQL's true powers.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Krapes' Fortune!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Have you tried creating a .sxw file (an OOo document) and then unZipping it to see its component XML parts? I'm amazed at how transparent it all is. What could be the reasoning behind MS Office's move away from XML formatting (other than to retain its proprietary nature and thus continue to charge ridiculous sums for its wares)? XML is the logical way to store and retrieve information regardless of platform.

I've also fooled around with changing MSWord files into OOo files and they look and act EXACTLY the same, keeping all of the formatting, &c. However, the OOo files are almost one THIRD the size!
The fact is this: If you are not tickled rosy red over such delights as format, standards and meta-information, then you do NOT have a soul

Josh: Thanks for the reply. I am still looking to pull the trigger on a computer, and I just can't decide whether or not to get the XP Pro Office 2003 suite. There are sure a lot of changes taking place in the way documents are being recorded into digital form, and as the document opens up into multiple levels of format, - so to will the human's conception of a document -

where our grandfather'c could never dream of storing unlimited pages of text on a device, we are not able to fathom the future of "writing"

As this scuffle plays out between Open Source Office Productivity vs. MS , it should be interesting.... more later... I am busy ...... boo-hooo
OpenOffice.org does seem the way of the future, and you are right to be excited about OOo's use of XML. Look at http://xml.openoffice.org/xml_advocacy.html for more information there. I'm still not exactly clear on what Access can do that Calc (the OOo spreadsheet and database user tools program) cannot. But as for MSWord vs. OOo Writer, I would go OpenSource all the way.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Well, it is my lunch time, and I am sitting here reading about


... I wish josh was around to help me navigate the politics of the current war between OO and Microsoft... it seems that Microsoft is releasing a new MS Office 2003 on October 2003, and there are all sort of audacious aspects to it... for instance, Office 2003 will be able to lock the documents it creates meaning they will not be able to be opened in older office editions (9x - 2000) ... they are also making it such that if a person with out Office 2003 does want to open a 2003 created document, they WILL be able to do so in MS internet explorer - meaning internet explorer will have more use then just browsing the net, it will be a essential decoder to those not buying but using office 2003 locked documents....

there seems to be a critical turn occuring right now to, as Open Office and Sun have already started to save documents as XML suites.... but MS Office 2003 is stripping vital XML info on documents, such that it can only be re-viewed in original format through Office 2003....

kind of weird.... and as I am looking to buy a new computer and use RTF/XML/PDF within database structures ... it is interesting to think about which way to go....

I think I know what Josh would say...

what would our resident pizza delivery guy say??

any thoughts?

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

(212) 671 - 0265

That is my new # - good 24 hours a day

write it down!!!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003
The footage was then shown to members of the public on a 4x7m wide-angle screen provoking, according to Mitani, gasps of astonishment. Some viewers even experienced nausea because of the ultra realistic visual effect of speed without the usual physical sensation of movement.
working towards a spiritual conception of information...those visiting this page are in the presence of the deposited brain in the form of electric text embracing inclusive and spectacular ideas where possibility is mirrored less by occurances and more by the bodiless time-frame granularity come globule mark

May 2003 / June 2003 / July 2003 / August 2003 / September 2003 / October 2003 / November 2003 / December 2003 / January 2004 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / December 2006 / April 2007 /

Whereas understanding is a foundation
Whereas mind should move
Whereas things have limits
Resolved that knowledge is king.

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