Back in effect to failed gestures:
Key 1:
MAN1 is named man, or 'the familiar man if.'
"what is posited" is the basis for which MAN1 claims his familiarness.
man is all people, or 'historical generation.'
god the unknown gaze of man
'omnipotent effort' is a way in which current MAN1 becomes manPost:
MAN1 can claim [express to know] no more [a highest limit perceived] on behalf of
man than what
man before called
god. (More precisely, such claims toward "realized human greatness" [the process of 'omnipotent effort'] consist in a demand for the immediate realization of
MAN1's widest vision)
MAN1 needs to cast the widest net of knowledge/vision and instead of calling it something else, or even calling this effort itself,
MAN1 should understand widest points of the knowledge/vision to be "what is posited."
Key 2:
It should be understood that all efforts to conceal the extravagance of a person seeking the 'omnipotent effort' should be concealed with the character of the appetite to know, and that knowledge itself.
MAN1 may know
man through the consciousness of the contradiction in the concealment of the desire to know.