A Human Movement
Thursday, May 29, 2003


Thursday, May 22, 2003
SHit,dogs... THis boy has been swimming in it.
Non-stop learning is hard. Especially at NYPL, possibly the greatest place for information in the Western WOrld!!!


I have "boiled" my topic of research down to "typography: examples of font-types" -- This way my project will consist of examples of cool old fonts... and perhaps a little essay about "text/image" : you know the drill.

but ooh-ooh, is this place ever a good time. Tonight is thursday, and I got no plans. -- I can come out to whereever to do whatever....

I NEED A DIGITAL CAMERA SO BAD!!!!! I am going to have to take pics of the fonts...and I think I need to borrow my pop's camera.... then my project will be a chic little web based project, with pics of hot fonts and their historical significance.

Research is fun!!! Did you know that the Keyword... is a modern thing???? Think about it???

I wish I could study "keyword searching" as a heterotopia or some shit...

Scott, what is a heterotopia???

anyway - all the love that lady loving mancan give.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

my main man Chief Greylock, now the only man in the mountain I know of, hanging
out in North Adams right about the time I hope to move there...

You know it won't be that bad even if I end up there around this time...



I think the key to my move is finding a niche in downtown Lambertville that isn't currently filled. Something interesting to the locals, demi-urban and of a stirring quality to entice interaction/business. Until I find such stock in life, my Lambertville dreams will remain...
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
though these recent posts have been much too high falutin' for my tastes (I don't like to problematize anything do you? i've got enough problems... you might as well questionify orange juice and why would you do that? orange juice is good for you in moderation, in less moderation if you buy the "low acid" variety)

for my part, i'll take the conversation to where you all want to go... PSYCHEDELIC problematize it all you want, for me I've got a story...

As you all probably know by now, this weekend I spent in the grip of a 102.7 F fever, and though no doubt this episode has led to the deterioration of still more brain cells in my head, I can still remember the long night spent combating the demon inside me. Saturday nite S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night while you were all out failing to flirt with girls and getting tipsy or whatnot, I went to bed at a modest 12:30 hoping to get the jump on my sickness thinking that that 12-14 hours of sleep sure would help me out... little did i know the devil inside me had other plans for my night. Come 4:30 still without sleep, headache and hunger pangs pervasive, I finally resort to Tylenol and then I took my temperature... 103 degrees! Holy shit... I soaked through all my sheets and then moved on to the futon, still no respite, back to the bed, no peace there... so I sat back and fought him off, stark fucking naked, all the atoms in my head swirling round, the curtain was moving back and forth in my room, but the window wasn't open and there was no breeze, then i noticed that the wall was moving too, and the cat, asleep peacefully in a chair, seemed to be floating, birds started chirping but modulated by some everpresent evershifting sine tone, i went back to the futon, hoping it would stop there... Come 7:00 I still hadn't slept but I had stopped to sweat and I couldn't remember the course of events. My body had expelled some sort of evil demon and gone through a lot of contortions to do it.

When forces beyond your control immobilize you and invade your body, that's PSYCHEDELIC.
Monday, May 19, 2003
Yes, happy. But most of the feeling is derived from the sky that sits behind glass, and thus unobtainable in all of its properties that are worth obtaining (or reveling in).

And after Sunday's majesty, my only wish is for one more day of bathing and wandering. Sun- for each of those.

Friday, May 16, 2003
I am not having any problem with slow loads, Nick, I think it is just that sometimes it takes a little bit longer, and others it doesn't - all according to the internet burps that make the waves which carry this so-called movement.

Scott: I just flipped from reading the the trashing of A>R>E Weapons on today's Pitchfork, to reading your great little peice here about 'waiting for the turning of youth'. It was a nice mix.
I think you are head on, that your head is ON, but it seems that maybe you are embracing a too passive a mindset. I mean, let's get out there!, let's see the fantastic. Although, mind you, it probably isn't fantastic. But still, you are in charge of it, you are in charge of something.

I suppose documentation is very important, is that why I should carry a tape recorder?
someone pls explain to me why this is better than e-mail... this shit is clunky, slow, and confusing... isn't this just text... aren't i on a hi-speed connection? why does it take so long to load this crap. why am i sicker than i've ever been? why am i at work and sicker than i've ever been? i think i have SARS... i work close to chinatown so that explains it... goddam it i am dead.
PS. if you don't check that link I sent, then you are all dummies!!!
I advise you all to read the EBay feedback left by andy46477, I don't know who he is - but I know he is a POET!!!


(ooh, soon, I learn how to post links as texts and not the link itself@!)
This is the dude I was talking to at Kosti's book party the other night. Perhaps he can help you in your search. I will try to get in touch with him and see what he knows...

I know what you mean viz. the mid 90s drumnbass music. A bit rougher, kind of dancehall-inspired, and those rastafari calls of "blood clart!" everyonce in awhile. Lots of samples of Wu-tang and jeru, &c. Ghostface Killa, what.
I only mentioned the Halcyon thing, as it is in the 'Hood. But yes, 10 PM, DJ Storm of the Metalheadz label (90's drums-and-bass dude) is supposedly spinning all vintage Drum-and-Bass like as if it was 1995. I always liked that ruffer style of drum and bass, even HardStep or Dark Step, I believe they called it.... so yes could be something to peek in on.

I am at work until 7. So I might miss the Hunter English Grad. Party,

Scott - PS. in between my saying that the world's ocean were being depleted of big fish and then later that we've simply got to let the 'stupid' inside of us - you went on quite a road of talking. I almost wish I had a tape recorder. Can you remember any of what you were meaning/saying/thinking?? I remember something about a youth movement...?? ..

anyway.. Do you think this 'blog will help us score some DMT???

here's to hoping.


So, finally I can enter, it seems that Josh invited me as Thomas Lannon, but I had already signed up for a blogger at thom lann - so that led to the misconnection. So, Alas, thom lann is here.
I am going to a party for the Hunter College English graduate department tonight after 6. The invite explains, "There will be an excessive amount of booze, lots of cute grad students and professors, and free food (including homemade Thai food). It's going to be out on a terrace with a bitchin' view, and promises to be a richly satisfying event."

Anyone interested?

Thomas, you mentioned something about Halcyon later?
Nick (or anyone), you need to hit the "post & publish" button to get it to display on the blogpage, not just the "post" buton...
there once was a man named Josef K
and in his heart he tried to stay
Good to the bone
Alone on his own
But then they threw him into the fray
My, can we begin to eradicate email?
working towards a spiritual conception of information...those visiting this page are in the presence of the deposited brain in the form of electric text embracing inclusive and spectacular ideas where possibility is mirrored less by occurances and more by the bodiless time-frame granularity come globule mark

May 2003 / June 2003 / July 2003 / August 2003 / September 2003 / October 2003 / November 2003 / December 2003 / January 2004 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / December 2006 / April 2007 /

Whereas understanding is a foundation
Whereas mind should move
Whereas things have limits
Resolved that knowledge is king.

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