A Human Movement
heres a thread i think scott will take to...
who do they think we are?. check out the rhetoric in this article, a terrorist panic alert in the media based on a disjointed, nonlinear "intelligence bulletin"... where policy "experts" exchange views on a particular subject. One day prior having announced their intentions for a
terrorist futures market, isn't the conflict of interest obvious here?
Here is an interesting discussion on
the potentials of the New Jersey Nets relocating to Brooklyn and Newark in an interesting blog-type format based on an article published
July 23, 2003 in the
Daily News. Sounds like it's in true downtown Brooklyn near BAM and that killer ugly mall out there near the
Atlantic Ave LIRR terminal. Ironically, the site is the same site owner Walter O'Malley proposed for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1957
(article). Apparently,
Robert Moses can be blamed for a whole lot more than the BQE.
I saw these little suckers at the dirty lil Central Park Zoo. Tucked in a corner of the bird building, they got a bunch of these fuckers running around in a cage. They had done each other up you could tell cause some of em were two colors! And unlike these pictures, the zoobums had decided to put in all the different colored-frogs in the same cage. It is possible that the Central Park Zoo veterinary stuff have created a new strand of psylicobic. Most pictures of
poison-dart frogs have them alone and, when in groups, among similarly-colored fellas.
These and other frogs have long been favorite ingredients in folk medicines. They produce toxins in their skin to protect themselves from predators. Often, these toxins are alkaloids, a class of chemicals commonly produced by plants, but very rarely made by animals. Alkaloids include such plant-derived drugs as nicotine, caffeine, and morphine, and have wide-ranging effects on the human body.
Many frog-derived alkaloids come from tiny poison-dart frogs indigenous to South American rain forests. With continued study, it is possible that frog alkaloids may prove safer or more effective than currently used alkaloid drugs. Natives of Argentina sometimes tie a certain kind of live frog onto wounds to help them heal. Studies of this frog, called the
African clawed frog, conducted by former NIH researcher Michael Zasloff may help explain the frogs' infection-fighting properties.
Zasloff identified two peptides made in the frog's skin that have impressive abilities to kill many kinds of bacteria, yeast, amoebae, and protozoa, all of which can cause infections in people. One day, these unusual peptides (called magainins after the Hebrew word for shield) may lead to a whole new kind of infection-fighting drug.
Zasloff sounds like a scientist looking to exploit these healing properties for commercial gain. But there are some serious potential in these fuckers for refinement and development, particularly in the field of anesthesiology and sedation. The poison of dart frogs is a subject of scientific research. First, there are several species of snakes in South America that eat these frogs and are not affected by it. Therefore, an arising question is how certain animals can be resistant to batrachotoxin. What is more, the strong poison makes it possible for scientists to investigate how nervous impulses are transmitted in animal organisms, and why not in the human ones. Scientists have discovered that batrachotoxin does not immediately block the nervous system; at first, it makes the contractions of the heart muscle stronger. Researchers claim that the pumiliotoxin released by Dendrobates auratus might be used as a cardiac stimulant after a heart attack.
According to the National Institute of Health, poison dart frogs offer over 300 alkaloid components�chemicals that are similar to cocaine and morphine and can be used for medical purposes. Some medicines produced on the basis of batrachotoxin are already being used as anesthetics in surgery.
Does anybody know of where you can find descriptions of the folk medicines derived from these fuckers? Better yet, why are these alkaloids present in these frogs AND plants? What makes certain of God's creatures poisonous and how can we benefit from these poisons? Read about the
poison dart fact sheet or about
the entire universe of poison plants and animals.
Click on the happy face! Is life going to one day be this simple>?
Whoa man, what I wouldn't do for a Brainwave Feedback System that would help me train my brain to focus on higher work/music/knowledge materials and less on the anxiety of everyday annoyncese like sex drive/social and earthly existence.
Original BBC Story
What is Neurofeedback
Led me to this
Open EEG Project ...Dudes are working on building these?, for real... wow. Talk about a
Killer App
Who's afraid of a little rationalization?(click the bolt)
In regards to Scott's post below, I really think your thoughts echo those expressed by J.S. Mill in On Liberty in particular, Chapter III; On Individuality, as One of the Elements of Wellbeing.
Take a look over it, I think you'd agree that you are less stoic and more logical in your assertion that happiness lies within.
If every man would make just one post a day on the blog, then every man would be ready for plunge into Divine Consciousness, say Sri Aurobindo
Seriously, where are your souls at anyway??? Check this out. In my quest for ever more sources of folks who have designed procedures for blending Spirit with Matter, materialsim and spiritualism, I came accross this bloke, Sri Aurobindo who has the gaul :) to exclaim that
"Knowledge is the culmination of Ignorance...In fact, what is happening is that the Ignorance is seeking and preparing to transform itself by a progressive illumination of its darkness into the knowledge that is already contained within it; the cosmic truth manifested in its real essence and figure would by that transformation reveal itself as essence and figure of the supreme omnipresent Reality."
...so c'mon give us all a piece of our
19. Jesus said, "Congratulations to the one who came into being before coming into being.
The Gospel of Thomas
Early History
Dr. Bong's Account
Explore Ethnobotanicals
The Site to See
Futher Dispatches from the CST - ARE - to be expected.
To the question, "What has science to say as to man's survival of death?" the chief spokesmen of modern science are inclined to answer, "Nothing at all." The affirmative answer she holds as unproved, and the negative answer as unprovable.
I am famed psychic researcher, Frederic W. H. Myers. Click on my face dog! If you don't you are an unlearned, unexposed and doomed terminable fool. True. So don't fuck!?!
This was my favorite team of all-time. I think I cried when they lost to the Chargers, ending an 11-0 start to their season. So maybe subconsciously, yeah.

From the world of holy bullshit, check out this story about a A new bill proposed in Congress that proposes to fine peer-2-peer file swappers 250,000$....
and you know there are some real clear lines connecting Jose Bove ideas and the idea of
entheogens. We here, would all agree that a good countryside homemade cheese omellette(sp) is just about the best way to fuck yourself straight to the overworld as any smatter of psilocybin. So, all you need to do is switch Bove's love of food, to mean, that he wants to keep the pathway to god open and free from corporate interest and profitizing. Alas, he did go to jail for his ideas (which furthermore shows how food and drugs as pathways to god are one in the same and those who fight for them are equal in the eye of justice.) Perhaps justice is a sham, and the only justice is
nature. But still, We have got to see some clear lines here between the use of the natural substance and the raising of the human organic brain to higher planes.
from the synopsis for Bove's book,
The World Is Not For Sale: Farmers Against Junkfood:
famed not only for his passion for politics but also for his Roquefort cheese.
Josh, you are right on, I have heard of this guy - He once destroyed a future site of a McDonalds in France. Here he is riding his trademark tractor to prison.
Jose Bove is one cool French Man. I bet he enjoys a dam fine breakfast.
In following the Tour de France and the protests that interrupted Mr. Armstrong I constantly hear Media drop the name Jos� Bov� with the only qualifying information "radical farmer" and no mention of what the protests signify. From the website FoodFirst (perhaps comrades-in-arm with SlowFood?) I found his biography rich with the fight against GMOs, corporate agribusiness and the ruin of small farmers.
During the 1970s in his native France, Bove and his wife helped to organize land occupations to prevent the expansion of military bases onto farmland in the Larzac plateau, and in 1976 he spent three weeks in prison for his role in the invasion of a military outpost. In 1987, he and colleagues established the Confederation Paysanne (CP), an organization composed of and for French small farmers and for their continued existence. The following year, Bove and the CP organized an event in Paris -- "Plowing the Champs Elysees" -- to protest EU farm policies. And, in a move that led to international fame and a six-week stay in prison, Bove organized and helped in the partial demolition of a half-constructed McDonald's in his hometown of Millau in 1999. On many occasions, he has also demonstrated his internationalism in defiance of governmental authority. For example in 2001, he and 1,000 Brazilian peasants uprooted three acres of Monsanto's genetically-modified soy in Rio Grande do Sul, and as a result he was deported.
Entheogen Project Series
This is a great page, with a lot of free information and full text articles on new directions of such splendid topics as Entheogens, Psychoactive Sacraments, Cleansing the Doors of Perception, Entheogen-induced Mystical Experiences and the Immune System, the Future of Religion, the Psychedelic Experience, The Use of Music in Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy, Letters from Jung, Walter Houston Clark and a lot of information from Other Resources.
Scott, I caught the Weather Underground last night, 10 PM, were you there?
ooh, the mysteries if the
synch, yeah cultural upheaval, ��, beyond that, I thought it provided a vivid glance at how lost most Americans were as soon as 1970 hit. It was like, those few who were once truly 'turned on' were still on their commune trips, and peaceablely "unamerican" in their little villages and nice places, (California through Vermont) while the rest of the 60's youths and general American public were worn-out from all the upheaval and excitement, they had taken drugs but not understood them, the drugs were now illegal and impure, the majority of those who had survived the 60's revolution now in the early 70's felt alienated from their former hippie selves and strove for normalcy and America the Beautiful and then with the Vietnam war over all these people who once were on the fringes of the whole anti-war trip, are left with nothing to do, the economy sucks, race is still a huge problem, so they flee to the suburbs and then the Reagen era hits... wow.
Tonight I am free to drink, eat, smoke, gander, gabber, and perhaps view some all-star fun. I am afraid it might just be you and me here, ol' Scott.
So. Mid-Town Brother Unite!!!
Hey, hey, hey -- look who is first on the following....search
Monocultural Hegemony
I am not sure if this is good, or bad, - but I do know we shouldn't stop. Maybe we can corner the Google market on all sorts of stupid search terms?>? (at least we now know where De Krapes came by this strange article from Frostburge State University, Maryland.) I think I want to coin the google phrase "cosmic extradition," such that A Human Movement becomes the number one place according to Google to learn about cosmic extradition. Is it just a matter of saying cosmic extradition, er typing cosmic extradition that nags googles interests or must one define their new phrases for google to find them. Cosmic extradition is a state i believe most people are in as they are living the crime of being just one thing; whether through science, belief, morals or pleasure - as long as you live as a singular entity you will face 'Cosmic Extradition' as which point the cosmos will take control of your being and have its way with your particles, until you truly finally realize that you are all. so anyway - bear with me as I try to coin the phrase Cosmic Extradition. Should Cosmic Extradition be to hard to coin as a google phrase, as I am thinking that the way to Google's heart is to form a phrase for which there is no more then 500 mentions of on the web, I would like to make the phrase 'mandrake cerebrum' be a search that leads all to our little forum here. So for that matter, here is a little Mandrake Cerebrum.
The bulk of my post on the "First Confederacy" (1776-1789) was lifted from another source. In fact, the entire description of events Scott picks apart so well was not of my penmanship. I lay claim to the introduction and final 3 paragraphs of conclusion and I am particularly proud of using the words
MONOCULTURAL HEGEMONY I aimed merely to provide an instance of political disagreement,
ideological tension if you will, in order to discredit Scott's hypothesis of
"the revolution from without". It is a testament to America, with its immensely wide range of beliefs and ideologies, that almost any idea (political, ideological, or otherwise) can be coopted by the establishment (media, political, cultural) and absorbed into the cultural
en tutti.
Given this capacity, I assert that there can in fact be no rise of the 3rd World, because before that World can assert its individuality, or "strengthen its infrastructure of power and organization," hypercapitalist tendencies are already at work to include those ideas into the hypercapitalist monocultural hegemony.
Jorn Bramann asserts that,
in this modern life, there can be no other culture but the one world culture. And it logically follows that whichever country is in control of that culture will control the world and, tangentially, the development of new ideas. Here is The Third World Revolution, brought to you by BPExxonMobilShell!
Scott claims that the corporate infrastructure of the 3rd World will eventually incubate an -ism of such vast proportions and undeniable truth that it will realign the world order. And to that statement I must ask: 1. How will the dominant capitalist system not coopt these ideals and graft them onto other capitalist values such as "democracy" and "freedom"? 2. How would the fate of this -ism be any different than that of Socialism? No matter if you are talking about people or nations, it remains that the prole is poor, weak, and uninformed of the wider workings of the world.
In short, how can the Third World ever extricate itself from corporate exploitation and claim the profits from its people's labor for its own?
I have to admit, I haven't read my Colonial-American-Revolutionary History as well, or as recently as I should have, so I will have to bite my tongue on any debates regarding 'Federalism/Anti-Federalism' or for that matter its relevance to the Modern US Corporate Structure. But Scott needent get so hard on Nick for skipping around on his post, and not backing his argument as well as he might have. It was a nice post Nick!, it propelled us in a working direction. (Although I personally like the space one more! and Scott keep up the criticism, it makes your posts and the blog a stronger cohesive enterprise!)
Now, I am more interested in what Scott is talking about with this Third World eventual revolution, in his
FINESTwords he goes something like this...,,
American corporatism continues to encroach on Third World cultures and its inexorable exploitation of the Third World's resources reaches a critical threshold, the concomitant development of an infrastructure in these struggling nations, while superficially the apparatus of oppression and exploitation, will provide a suitably revolutionary organism that will be infiltrated by whatever ideology that effects a revolution that will eventually reorient the global economic energies that maintain the present world order.
and then he goes on to say that this revolution could be in some part America's own making... well see here Victor Keegan of the Guardian because I think it relates to a possible way that Bush and his Corporate-Business-First attitudes might potentially backfire (ever so slowly of course) and potentially allow for what Scott is offering to manifest as some workable future reality - anyway, I just want to post some Non-Scott sources that are interesting to his argument on the fate of the Third World.
Much Love.
In the words of N. A. Berdyaev (Berdiaev)?.�?.� ??????? should we miss it?? Should we even consider happiness - the Great War killed morality -- did it not?, and this should not mean that we live to not kill, or to kill, but that we find some deeper sense of the relation of human sense to the universe, that being of which has morality. is moral, and is in 'this'
THE MAN SAYS>> "All the social teachings of the XIX Century lacked the awareness, that man is a cosmic being, and not the inhabitant of an ephemeral social aspect merely on the surface of the earth, it lacked the awareness that he is actually in communion with the depths of the world and the heights of the world"
Well not that it will matter, with all the pulses flying and hearts-a-racing, hey you, how is your heart shaaking, ooh are you a person, well I am too. How are you ---- and from there we see the immediate relevance of the rhyme in too and you, you ARE too. and now we
know that...
Our foresight into the future ought to be totally free of the customary optimism or pessimism, free from estimates in accord with the criteria of happiness. It would be shallow-minded to think of life for oneself after such an exhaustive war in any especially cheerful and happy light. One might the sooner consider, that the world is entering upon a period of prolonged woe and that its tempo of developement will be catastrophic. But the values, discovered by man in the worldwide struggle, are not to be defined by any increase or diminishing of happiness.
I am libraryless this afternoon, I am about to leave the house, aboard the B75 to Propect Park, meaning, I am Brooklyn-bound. I would really like to see that movie FilmForumWeatherUnderground(Scott_).... but I fear that I might not be able to make a 6 PM showing. Perhaps, 8, Perhaps 10??? I use my fingers to type this.
so, in a word. have a nice day, in two, be in touch ... all, I would love to get seeing anything at about 6PM8PMish -- and as a post-script, I would like to coin the phrases 'cosmic extadition' as a giving oneself up to the cosmic state, as though we are criminals living in the non-cosmic state, and rightly we should all face cosmic extradition
sonorusesus. clickiety-clickk.thebreainisaforcce-----COMMUNIONKNOWOURAFTERNOON, get it???